How to Stay Productive this Summer
As tempting as it is to lay in bed for most of your summer days, the weather is almost too good to not pass up. Here are some tips to stay producti...
Summertime is definitely a time for relaxation, but sometimes too many "off" days can result in the panic of realizing you have not done much this season. Below are a few tips to help you stay productive this summer season!
1. A short and sweet list
Even if you work during the week, you can still feel pressure to be productive during the weekends. You worked hard during the week and pushed off all of your personal tasks to Saturday and Sunday. Now you are feeling torn between wanting to relax but also take care of your personal tasks. Creating a list of what you want to accomplish each weekend can help motivate yourself to complete necessary chores and other tasks. The act of checking off an item on your list will help you feel accomplished and even add a bit structure to your free days. If that does not work for you, taking one day dedicated to accomplishing your tasks and another for total relaxation can help give you some peace of mind.
2. Short and long term goals
All goals require steps to completion. So breaking down your steps to reach your long term goals (running a 7 minute mile, redecorating your room, learning how to make bread, etc.) will help you feel more motivated because each day you are one step closer to your goal. These can be in intervals of one week, every few weeks, or every other month.
3. Make it about self-care
Everyone loves doing self-care, and self-care is productivity! Playing sports, getting a coffee, even doing your hair is an act of self care that makes you feel happy and productive on the inside and the outside. That feeling can also push you to complete more tasks, because let’s be honest, when you look good you feel good!
4. Discover a new hobby
Having an outside activity other than work or school is a great way to feel accomplished and even take time for yourself. A new hobby can be anything you want. Riding a bike, cooking, baking, or even crocheting, are great ways to take time for yourself and feel accomplished! Similar to self-care, feeling that personal accomplishment at your own pace is a great step in feeling productive.
5. Rest and Reward
Resting makes you more productive? Yes! If you are constantly working you will get burned out and not be productive at all! Taking a day or two each week to relax and watch tv or having a midday nap will keep you energized to keep going and working towards your summer goals. Treat yourself once you have hit your goal or a milestone within your goal. This will also keep you from burnout and give you something to look forward to short-term!
If any of these tips have helped you let us know and share to our instagram @yourolivoamigo !