5 Minute Marinated Feta

Easy and delicious appetizer!

This 5 minute marinated feta cheese dish comes together quickly, but the flavors carry a powerful punch! Tangy feta meets bright, balanced Joy extra virgin olive oil to make a delectable meal! 


  • 8oz block feta cheese 
  • ½ cup Joy extra virgin olive oil
  • ½ tsp dried oregano
  • 1 tsp minced garlic
  • 1/8th cup roughly chopped fresh herbs; I used a mix of basil & parsley 
  • 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
  • Sea salt & red pepper flakes; to taste
  • Lemon zest & additional fresh herbs; garnish (optional)


  1. Cut feta into bite sized cubes. Add to a serving bowl if serving immediately, or a mason jar if making for later use. Set aside.
  2. In a small mixing bowl, whisk together all ingredients except for garnishes. 
  3. Pour mixture over feta and allow to marinate at room temperature for 5 minutes; or up to 30 minutes for a deeper flavor. 
  4. Garnish with lemon zest & additional fresh herbs if using
  5. Serve as is; or store in a sealed mason jar in the refrigerator for up to one week.
  6. Note: If storing for later use, add additional Joy extra virgin olive oil to fully submerge feta. Store in the refrigerator. When preparing to serve, allow to sit at room temperature until olive oil is no longer solidified; approx one hour.

This flavorful marinated feta works perfect as an appetizer all on its own, or as part of a charcuterie spread! It’s also delicious with salads or warm toasty bread. As an added bonus, once the feta is eaten, the remaining marinade makes for a perfect salad dressing! If you make this recipe or any others, let us know on our Instagram @yourolivoamigo

Olivo Amigo, yourolivoamigo, evoo, olive oil, spanish olive oil, extra virgin olive oil, joy, vitality, feta cheese, recipes, gift ideas