Understanding How Olive Oil Becomes Rancid

Like any other oil, olive oil can go rancid if not stored properly.

Olive oil is a popular ingredient in many cuisines around the world. It is not only delicious, but also healthy, being rich in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. However, like any other oil, olive oil can go rancid if not stored properly. In this article, we will discuss what rancid olive oil is and how to keep olive oil from going rancid.


What is Rancid Olive Oil?

Rancidity is a term used to describe the deterioration of fats and oils, resulting in an unpleasant taste and odor. Rancid olive oil has a musty or stale smell, and a bitter or metallic taste. It is caused by the breakdown of fatty acids in the oil, which can be accelerated by exposure to light, heat, air, and moisture. Rancid olive oil is not harmful to consume, but it can affect the flavor and quality of your dishes.

Olivo Amigo, yourolivoamigo, evoo, olive oil, rancid olive oil, what does rancid mean, does olive oil go rancid, vitality and joy olive oils, the vida collection

Here are some tips on how to keep olive oil from going rancid:

Store olive oil in a cool, dark place.

Olive oil should be stored in a cool, dark place, away from heat and light. Exposure to light and heat can cause the oil to oxidize and become rancid. Ideally, olive oil should be stored in a dark, air-tight container, such as a glass bottle with a screw-on lid or a stainless steel container with a tight-fitting lid.

Keep olive oil away from air and moisture.

Exposure to air and moisture can also cause olive oil to go rancid. Make sure to seal the container tightly after each use and avoid storing olive oil in a humid environment, such as a kitchen near a sink or stove.

Use olive oil within its expiration date.

Olive oil has a shelf life of about 18-24 months from the date of production, depending on the quality and storage conditions. Make sure to check the expiration date on the label and use the oil before it expires.

Buy high-quality olive oil.

High-quality olive oil is less likely to go rancid than low-quality oil. Look for extra-virgin olive oil that is single-origin and comes in a completely opaque bottle. 



Rancid olive oil has an unpleasant taste and odor, and can affect the quality of your dishes. To keep olive oil from going rancid, store it in a cool, dark place, away from air and moisture, use it in a timely manner and buy high-quality oil. By following these tips, you can enjoy the delicious and healthy benefits of olive oil for longer.

Olivo Amigo, yourolivoamigo, evoo, olive oil, rancid olive oil, what does rancid mean, does olive oil go rancid, vitality and joy olive oils, the vida collection